In copertina: Trilogia Fenicia


The volume contains, in a trilogy, the texts of three plays - written by Alfredo Anania to be represented during the Itinerant Seminars L’IMMAGINARIO SIMBOLICO” (7th, 8th, 9th) - in which are woven past myths, contemporary paradigmatic events and everlasting human events (related to hate, love, death, betrayal, revenge, etc..) that are not only important part of the novelistic tradition of the recent literature but that are also detectable in most mythological creations. Besides, the volume proposes an essay titled Transformations, myth-poiesis and dramatic representation.

«The dramatic narration or text (evoking the personal past of the spectator) and the theatrical performance - without “stage-separation” between actors and viewers -, right in the historical place where the story is set - evoking the historical past and the tragic events deposited inside the archetypal collective unconscious, allows “in a highly narrow way” the activation of the  imaginal world and a time machine effect that, so short-circuiting the historical collective unconscious with the contemporary collective unconscious, produce a sense of “a gathered community” that - “catharsised” through the unconscious projection of own anxieties in the events and in the characters suggested by the dramatic fiction - can open to hope and, therefore, can allow to fantasize a “new possible world”, a less tragic future of mankind, a less distressing morrow” (A. Anania, 8th Itinerant Seminar L’IMMAGINARIO SIMBOLICO”, 2008)



numbers of journal 
