Dynamic psychology

Interview with Girolamo Lo Verso

" … Dynamic psychology is a very wide discipline, it could state that it is a sort of General psychology with a clinical analytical basis; but it is very general because it deals with the problems regarding the personality and the Self, the motivations and the psychoanalytic history; in some way, it is the theoretic main basis of psychotherapy.

Today the themes regarding the Self and the psychopathology are making good progress; I think that psychopathology without a theory of normality can't exist! The themes of the relationship are becoming more and more the main themes, the unifying idea. I am not only referring to the therapeutic relationship but also to the mother-child relationship (or better to the homely and psychological atmosphere), a relationship that is considered a constitutive element of the inner world and psychic life.

In addition to that it is necessary to consider the therapeutic themes, that is, the study of the clinical set(ting), its objects and methods, the integration of the treatments, the evaluation of psychotherapy and so on.

Dynamic psychology is resuming, in a new way, the tradition of considering the human "psichismo" not individualistically; a tradition that has had its antecedents in some Freud and Jung's theories, and in something else work written by Sullivan, Fromm or Guntrip; a great tradition that today seems to be more precise and clear. Nowadays it is based on the experiences of the family and groups therapy, the empirical research, the mother-child relationship, the model of the inter-subjectivity and so on.

The birth of psychic life is a plural birth, it is produced by the identification with the world which has created you, but also by the psychic intentions of this world on you. This fact allows to resume the family dimension, the homely and psychological atmosphere and also to begin to have a connection with culture. Here culture is considered as a big anthropological stratum where we are growing and developing; in some way the culture that is in you, it is considered as the values as a whole, the rules of good and evil, the myths that each family trasmits and that are linked to culture. So it is an overcoming of the individualistic-intrapsychic conception of mind, body,self and so on, which allows a widening of the theoretic and therapeutic possibilities …"



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