
To give life to a writing that can also result interesting for the profane and that at the same time it respects the canons of the scientific discussion it is a not easy undertaken. Even more arduous this work, when it is wanted to confer the characters of originality to themes already divulged broadly, since all other scientific discipline never has known, in so brief time as instead it is happened with the dynamic psychology, an analogous considerable amount of writings.
The increasing number, in world field, of people suffering from the depressive illness represents an enough stimulus to take in examination again this thematic in the awareness that the psychodynamic point of view can contribute to face this category of troubles from different angles.
It continually decreases luckily the number of researchers that profess a fundamentally genetic pathogenesis in the field of mental illnesses. It is difficult to attribute the beginning of a psychic trouble to the genetic code of individual; until now nothing research has succeeded in confirming some such hypothesis in way definitive; at the most they seem to have greater credit those theories sustaining the existence of a predisposition on genetic base or of a weighty genetic code necessary to the development of a certain psychic clinical disorder rather than of another (for instance, a depressive trouble rather than a schizophrenic trouble and so tract). On the other hand, it must be considered, over all, the possible interactions of the genetic patrimony with the environment also the mutual interactions among the geniuses inside the individual …
… the decisive factors to development of a psychological trouble must be sought in the experiential world of person, since birth (also before the birth, considering the importance of the family, social and cultural context in which a new individual is forming), but it also need to consider that a same emotional or stressful factor can cause development of a psychic disorder in one determined person or, contrarily, not to provoke any clinical situation in another case; in fact, also in the psychopathological field, as for the other clinical specialties, it is in vigour the general rule that the onset of an affection is produced by the individual answer to determined damaging stimulations; evidently in mental field, excluding particular syndromes in which the psychic alteration is symptomatic and secondary to an organic disease, the principal factors of trouble above all are psychological …


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