Health is an incommensurable good of which, until we are in a comfortable state, we rarely succeed in appreciating the whole value; often, in fact, we acknowledge the importance of what we have lost only after an infirmity has appeared in our existence altering it. A person would probably be able still in time to recover the flood “vital strength”, at this point shaky, by a greater awareness that the appearance of an illness is not only a lack of homeostatic equilibrium (when it is not a real surrender to a morbid trial), but also a signal that there is anything that must be modified, that are some wrong or not proper things in own style of life. From this optics a true cure, also for the most organic illness, it has to be always also a cure, for so to say, of the soul. Certainly the physician knowledge in diagnostic and therapeutics application practice benefits from the enormous actual technological progress, but unfortunately it is true that the medicine has lost in general that ability to associate body-cure and soul-cure that it characterized the therapeutic practice in pre-scientific epoch. The study of the variations from the norm* (including paradox phenomenon and different anomalies) offers an inexhaustible source of knowledge that increases the possibilities of prevention and care. Evidently all of this also concerns the psychosomatic one that, studying that mixture, in our being, between what “it appears as” material and tangible (body) and that that “it not-appears” and that therefore, it is potentially considered as immaterial (psyche) - it always represents also a field in some ways rich of mystery. In fact, the possibilities to disclose a reality that appears extremely complex it is hindered by our usual epistemological ways to reach the knowledge, that they feed on operational methodologies marked by the partition and separation rather than inspired by the set theory. Umberto Galimberti underlines in thin and elegant way the problems of epistemological “economy” connected to the relationship mind/body: «the body plays its polysemic nature refusing to exclusively volunteer itself to the economics as strength-work, to the libidinal economy exclusively as joy, to the medical economy as organism to be cured, to the religious economy as meat to be redeemed, to the economy of the signs as support of significations. In this refusal the body takes away from all knowledge its referent, and to the economies, that have accumulated their value on these codifications, it take away their sense … the body is ambivalent, it is that is a thing, but also the other, for which: or the decision of the knowledge on the division of the body or the ambivalence of the body on the shattering the knowledge, with consequent dissolution of its accumulated value».
* The normalcy of the individual is conceivable only from the theoretical point of view; in fact, from the practical point of view, we must be considered “normal” an individual that falls, for the considered parameters, in that enough ample ghost of variables that in a diagram, derivable from the elaboration of the statistic frequency, it occupies the median zone.
** Galmberti U.; Body and Psyche, in Actions of the Congress Burden, Psyche, Sema, Ies Mercury, Rome, 1984, p. 44.


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