Symbolic aspects of disability
Everybody knows that the other
one, and above all the “different one”, is the
favourite target and receptacle of our negative
psychological projections. The part, though always
accompanying us, repressed and refused of ourselves that we
could call, with Conrad, our “secret sharer” - that part
of us that Jung calls Shadow – if refused,
rejected and not assimilated by our consciouness
meets us
from outside. To say it using a well-known biblical
expression, it is to point to the speck in our brother’s
eye neglecting the beam in our own. There are innumerable
daily, but also historic and collective examples of it:
suffice it to think of the gigantic Shadow projection on
Jews, Gypsies and homosexuals by Nazism, on Blacks in the
United States or, more generally, on women by many religions,
including Christianity. This – alas! – generalized and
ubiquitous mechanism applies also to disabled persons.
I think it could be useful to everybody to become aware
of this mechanism and destructure it by seeing how the
maimed person can be symbolically understood. I will deal
therefore with materials provided by dreams and religious
myths. This can’t obviously be an exhaustive presentation,
but I hope, in the time given to me, to transmit at least
some ideas on this theme. |
The maimed person’s
figure is widespread as, so to say,
symbolic character.
A first example coming to my mind is the
major role that forced – yet at times, but not always, voluntary
– mutilations have in many initiation rituals. As you know,
“initiation” means the whole range of rituals and
rigorously encoded procedures performed to shift from a
social and existential state into another one as, for
example, from childhood to manhood, from girlhood to
womanhood, from ordinary human being to medicine-man or
shaman, and so on. These rituals are generally associated to
very painful (for the initiate) practices and real
mutilations. Among some African populations, for example,
they extract a tooth, usually a canine; in Japan they cut
the phalanx of the little finger; American Indians inflict
very painful wounds - many people will perhaps remember the
ones represented in a very raw manner in Elliot
Silverstein’s old (1970) film “A Man called Horse”
with Richard Harris. All of these are examples of imposed
“mutilations” which don’t represent a “lose”, but
an acquisition, in this case the acquisition of a superior
social rank. |
can already teach us a thing or two. On a level of very
great refinement of thought we can remember the famous
episode of the dwarf belonging to the court of a Roman
emperor. The legend says that, to the question if he
suffered from his condition, he, being a deep neo-platonic
philosopher, answered of being glad that Nature had endowed
him with so little matter (opposed to the highest value of
Spirit and absolutely negative in comparison with it). In
this connection we can recall the category to which this
dwarf probably belonged: physically maimed till deformation,
jesters were known for their acumen and wisdom their masters
frequently took advantage of, being also the only ones able
to tell them those unpleasant truths that to whomever else
would have cost their head. |
such as “don’t play the fool” or “he is a buffoon”
could then be usefully reconsidered in the light of these
considerations. When a child is “acting the fool” is
often trying to damp the accumulated negative tension within
the family, bringing a puff of joy and jocularity.
Velazquez4 |
There are many great characters whose disability brought
them advantage. Homer’s blindness must have sharpened its
poetic and visionary ability. Beethoven’s deafness
didn’t prevent, or rather perhaps facilitated, the
composition of his sublime music. If you allow me to present
a personal element, I am myself disabled, because I got a
considerable reduction of visual acuity and visual field in
one of my eyes because of a retina detachment provoked by a
pebble thrown by a slingshot during one of a lot of battles
between boys gangs. Well, staying blinded in bed for one
month when I was thirteen, forced as I was to do after the
surgical operation - at the time much longer, more
complicated, and crippling during convalescence than now -
was the opportunity of a deep reflection upon myself, which
has not been extraneous, but rather very significant, for my
choice, many years later, of dealing with psyche, mine and
others’. I must say that the deep acceptance of that
impairment has made possible its symbolic
transformation during my personal analysis through an
extremely meaningful dream. I dreamt that I was in front of
a motley glass door and, thanks the difference of visual
acuity and colours perception between my two eyes, I could
appreciate its deep beauty and get the key to open it; in a
second part of the dream the same imperfection enabled me to
become an expert of Sèvres porcelain which, as you know, is
divided in “red” and “blue”. What was an impairment
unfolded itself in a precious tool through which I could
appreciate differences. Furthermore, that sort of
deprivation developed in me a passion for images and art,
immensely enriching my private and professional life. I
don’t want, by this, to deny the suffering involved in
every disability. But I want to state strongly that every
disadvantage can reveal a hidden wealth which only reveals
itself through its acceptance. It obviously is, even if not
only and always, a psychic wealth, true treasures that a
situation of so-called normality can, without our being at
all aware of it, deprive us of. If we would make a sort of
axiom out of it, we could say that to a physical disability
can correspond a psychic development. As all of us know at
our expenses, suffering is a great teacher, a teacher of
life and not of death, such as it could become if one
surrenders to despair, regret or cynicism.
To stay in the domain of dreams, I would like to recall
that the appearance in them of a lame figure or character is
frequently a positive signal. Speaking in general, the
apparition in a dream of the image of a person on a
wheelchair, amputated or in any other way disabled
represents an indication of something neglected of which one
has to take care, thus offering the process of recognition
of Shadow’s parts, which will allow their subsequent
transformation, an opportunity. As Jung repeatedly recalls,
it is from the part most despised that often comes a message
of salvation and redemption. All of us know that it is from
the darkest, most neglected and despised corner of the Roman
empire that Jesus has come, as from a dark Bedouin tribe, at
the time considered less than nothing by the western world,
has come Mohammed and with him Islam, a powerful strength
that has revolutionized half of the world. I would like to
mention, in this connection, Jung’s extraordinary sentence
concluding his Dream
Analysis: |
Don’t forget that
from the Jews, the more despised people of Antiquity, living
in the most despicable corner of Palestine or Galilee, came
the redeemer of Rome. Why should not our redeemer be a
Negro? It would be logical and psychologically correct. |
God Bes (Dendera) |
God Bes (Cairo) |
God Bes (Istanbul)
Statuette of God Bes |
Bes Amulet 1 |
Bes Amulet 2 |
Bes Amulet3
Bes Amulet 4 |
Bes playing harp |
Bes playing tambourine |
Bes dances |
Bes Handle of mirror |
Bes su poggiatesta
Velazquez: Ephaestus' Forge |
Vulcan: Italian coin |
it to recall, among them, the famous Achille’s shield,
whose description takes many lines of Iliad;
the beautiful self-moving maidens – an extraordinary
anticipation of our robots!;
the clever trap-bed by which he caught and exhibited to the
mockery of the other gods Ares (Mars) and unfaithful
Aphrodite (Venus). This brings to mind some points of
resemblance that Hephaestus and Bes share. In addition to
deformity of legs and bristly hair and beard, Hephaestus, in
the various myths concerning him, has always to do with
feminine beauty. “With all his monstrosity”, Alfonso M.
Di Nola says, “Hephaestus is a lucky lover. In Iliad
he loves Charis, “Grace”. In Hesiod he has as bride
Aglae, the youngest of the Charites (Graces). His adventures
with Aphrodite, given him by Zeus as legitimate wife, and
who betrays him with Ares are well-known. He dares to attack
Athena herself, and from this encounter Erittonius is born”.[3]
Raffaello: Heliodorus' room |
The relationship between deformity and beauty, not
reducing it to a trivial and senseless opposition, forces us
to think. It could psychologically be thought that deformity
of the body opens up to a series of “divine” and, as
such, psychic beauties. Deformity can be the “door”
through which one can reach beauty. It must not be forgotten
Hephaestus’ artistic and technological skill I mentioned
before. We can also assume that disability opens the way to
a “specialization” of the individual, allowing him,
being Hephaestus a god, to obtain, yet within his own
limitations, “divine” achievements.
Jacob's ladder (contemporary sculpture)
would give another example, this time taken from the Bible,
in which a dream and a vision have, again, a paramount
importance: they are the dream and vision of Jacob - the
second has a great significance in connection to our theme.
They are told in Genesis:
Jacob departed from Betsabea and headed
for Harran. He arrived in a place where he spent the night,
because the sun was set; taken a stone, he put it as a
pillow and lay down there. He had a dream: a ladder stood on
the soil, while its top reached the sky, and lo, the angels
of God went up and down it. And lo, the Lord was in front of
him saying: “I am the Lord, the god of Abraham your father
and the god of Isaac. The soil on which you have lain down I
will give you and your descent. Your descent will be as the
dust of the earth and you will extend to west and east, to
north and south. And all the nations of the earth will be
blessed for you and your descent. Lo, I am with you and I
will protect you wherever you go; then I will make you to
return to this country, because I won’t abandon you
without having done what I have told you.”[4]
Jacob Epstein: Jacob's fight with angel
The vision takes place
Jacob's fight with angel (contemporary sculpture) |
In the night Jacob got up, took his two
wives, his slaves and his eleven children over the ford of
Iabbok. He took them, helped them to go across the stream
and made the same with all his possessions. Jacob remained
alone and a man fought with him until dawn. As he didn’t
succeed in overcoming Jacob, he hit him in the joint and the
joint of Jacob’s femur got sprained, while keeping
fighting with him. The other said: “Allow me to go, since
dawn is rising.” Jacob replied: “I won’t let you go
until you bless me.” The other asked: “What’s your
name?” He answered: “ Jacob.” The other said: “Your
name won’t be Jacob anymore, but Israel, because you
fought with God and men and you have won!” Then Jacob
asked him: “Tell me your name.” The other answered:
“Why do you ask my name?” And lo, he blessed him.[5]
could we understand, obviously from a psychological, and not
religious, point of view these two stories? A first thing
that strikes us and that we can put to ourselves as a
question is: why Jacob – having already received in dream
the blessing and solemn engagement from God to have a
country, a progeny like “the dust of the earth”, an
extension in every direction, and also a guarantee of His
own protection anywhere he will go and an insurance to never
be abandoned – has then to face that fight “until dawn”
and come out of it crippled to get a new blessing? If we
human beings swear “in the name of God” to make holy and
inviolable what we say, the own promise of that same God is
sacred, inviolable and unchangeable to the nth power.
Why, therefore? A first answer could be the following: the
first promise and blessing are given to Jacob during
the nigh and in a dream, in a state of unconsciousness,
and therefore they could represent, from a psychological
point of view, just a potentiality. |
Gustave Moreau: Jacob's fight with angel |
M. Segal: Jacob's fight with angel
we know from experience, the unconscious is a planner
and, as such, it offers intuitions concerning the future and
perspectives which, however, the ego is called to realize.
The second blessing, happening at dawn, when the night of
unconsciousness and unconscious planning is over, can thus
represent a potentiality come true and on which the ego has
now absolute mastery. What, however, does the physical
disability mean? |
________________________________________________________________________ |
Paper presented in Marsala, Complesso monumentale di San
Pietro, December, 3th, 2004.
Luciano Perez, M.D., psychiatrist and analytical
psychologist, is a member of IAAP, Zürich and of CIPA, Rome.
He is also a member of Società italiana di storia
delle religioni; Amici di Eranos, Ascona, Switzerland; and
Honorary President of Amici della collina, Catania, a
society for the study of archetypal and imaginal psychology.